Friday, April 19, 2019

4Offbeat jobs,where you can make good money

4 Offbeat jobs,where you can make good money

By Sukanya Chowdhury

Unemployment is one of the most biggest problem in this country.The most common equation now a days is youth=jobless.And it is also really tough for them to stick to the ground o sky high competition.But you know what,world will never let you run out of hope.So I am here to inform you about some uncommon jobs from where you can make good money.

      Eight to eighty, it is hard for them to roll their eyes from the gaming screen.The easiest bribe of parents to their infants are SUBWAY SURFER or CANDY CRUSH.Those kids,who can't tie their boot knots they are well aware about how many kills they did in PUBG.Behind all this,there is a master mind,here comes the creativity of a gamer.
       Must haves:
  • A person can be a potential game designer if she or he has immense interest in gaming.
  • one has to be well aware of all kinds of games of different platforms.
  • that person must know coding language,problem solving skill,and never ending imagination power.
You can start learning game designing after your 10+2
website link of the institutions:

          Sommeliering or wine tasting sounds cool actually ya,this job is cool indeed.It is examining or evaluating the wine.There has ample range of wine in the world,and it is a little hard to know about all of them.Then what does sommeliers  do?Sommeliers will help you to choose proper pair of food with  particular kind of wine.They will also inform you about the norms and tanturms of the wines that you have to face if you want to taste'em.So now a person can't be known of all this from air.

    In order to be a Sommelier:
  • One must have good communicative skill and well aware of more than one language.         
  •  You just have to be passionate about your work,never stop learning.
Website of the institutions:

              You'll find many people posses the wish to learn new language,their effort only add a extra icing on their CV.But do you have any idea that it can be a great career option for you?In spite of knowing English,Hindi and your mother tongue if you are fluent in French,Spanish or German you can steal the show.The  people who are good speaker can be an interpreter

    You'll need:

  • The first step is nothing but learning the language.
  • Knowing linguistic and literature both is important to know the language properly. 

Website of the Institutions:

Human mind can be compared with a dense forest and it is interesting too.In our hectic life people are troubled with thier mood and mind.By this time psychologists come forward for professional help.If you are willing enough in this subject,uou have to learn personality development,psychotherapy,stress management and neuro-psychology kind of topics.

  To be a professional:

  •  You need to have good communication skill and explanation ability.
  • Patience and a little sense of unprofessionalism in your profession.


Thursday, April 18, 2019

                       Two Hidden Continental Food Gem of Kolkata
By Sukanya Chowdhury 

Kolkata is all about culture festival and food.The place is amalgamation of different cuisine.Suppose you are walking through a congested alley cursing the city and its population suddenly you collide with a food joint, minimally decorated yet soothing by look.Kolkata is full of surprises indeed.She is always ready to treat you in different ways.

Under the layer of the ever known Kolkata there is another kolkata,unnoticed and untouched by most of the collocations.The city has got several food joints with various cuisines.But if you are looking for a food joint with large range of Italian,Mexican,Spanish,Chinese,Mughlai and North Indian foods then you are at right place pal.In this article I am going to inform you about two food joints of kolkata.

Blue Sky Cafe:
                                  when you are drained out of energy after a tiresome shopping at esplanade also your appetite craves for some continental food then without thinking other options start walking toward Indian museum.The Blue Sky cafe is located at just behind the Indian Museum.The place may look unattractive from outside.The inside decoration may not impress you too but their menu will definitely ease you.They have wide range of Italian and Mexican food.Most of the foreign travellers who visit kolkata, visit this place that make you feel like  miniature of world on a single street.

Pocket pinch:500 for two people.


Raj Spanish Cafe:
                             Another alluring food joint is Raj Spanish Cafe located at Sudder Street.The phrase 'Hidden Gem' aptly goes with it.It may be a little hard to locate or your google map can annoy you in this matter but you can ask the local people to reach the spot.The place welcomes you with a simple decor yet it slightly touches european culture.Inspite of using posh set up,you'll find graffiti on wall and the strung lights.Their main endeavour is to present Spanish food in 'Oh so Spanish' style.The most interesting part of this joint is,.they serve wood fire pizza that will instigate any food lover to order one.

pocket pinch:700for two people.